All Web Application Hacking Methods

Parameter manipulation

* Arbitary File Deletion
* Code Execution
* Cookie Manipulation ( meta http-equiv & crlf injection )
* CRLF Injection ( HTTP response splitting )
* Cross Frame Scripting ( XFS )

* Cross-Site Scripting ( XSS )

* Directory traversal
* Email Injection

* File inclusion

* Full path disclosure
* LDAP Injection
* PHP code injection
* PHP curl_exec() url is controlled by user
* PHP invalid data type error message
* PHP preg_replace used on user input
* PHP unserialize() used on user input
* Remote XSL inclusion
* Script source code disclosure
* Server-Side Includes (SSI) Injection
* SQL injection
* URL redirection
* XPath Injection vulnerability

*Buffer Overflows

*Dangling Pointers
*Format String Attack
*FTP Bounce Attack

This list below fits in category MultiRequest parameter manipulation

* Blind SQL injection (timing)

* Blind SQL/XPath injection (many types)

This list below fits in category File checks

* 8.3 DOS filename source code disclosure
* Search for Backup files
* Cross Site Scripting in URI
* PHP super-globals-overwrite
* Script errors ( such as the Microsoft IIS Cookie Variable Information Disclosure )

This list below fits in category Directory checks

* Cross Site Scripting in path
* Cross Site Scripting in Referer
* Directory permissions ( mostly for IIS )
* HTTP Verb Tampering ( HTTP Verb POST & HTTP Verb WVS )
* Possible sensitive files
* Possible sensitive files
* Session fixation ( jsessionid & PHPSESSID session fixation )
* Vulnerabilities ( e.g. Apache Tomcat Directory Traversal, ASP.NET error message etc )
* WebDAV ( very vulnerable component of IIS servers )

* DNN (Dot Net Nuke)

This list below fits in category Text Search Disclosure

* Application error message
* Check for common files
* Directory Listing
* Email address found
* Local path disclosure
* Possible sensitive files
* Microsoft Office possible sensitive information
* Possible internal IP address disclosure
* Possible server path disclosure ( Unix and Windows )
* Possible username or password disclosure
* Sensitive data not encrypted
* Source code disclosure
* Trojan shell ( r57,c99,crystal shell etc )
* ( IF ANY )Wordpress database credentials disclosure

This list below fits in category File Uploads

* Unrestricted File Upload

This list below fits in category Authentication

* Microsoft IIS WebDAV Authentication Bypass
* SQL injection in the authentication header
* Weak Password
* GHDB - Google hacking database ( using dorks to find what google crawlers have found like passwords etc )

This list below fits in category Web Services - Parameter manipulation & with multirequest

* Application Error Message ( testing with empty, NULL, negative, big hex etc )
* Code Execution

* SQL Injection

* XPath Injection
* Blind SQL/XPath injection ( test for numeric,string,number inputs etc )
* Stored Cross-Site Scripting ( XSS )

* Cross-Site Request Forgery ( CSRF )

From hackcommunity.cpm

1 comment:

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